24th February 2022

The Minister of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare Hon. Dr. Patricia Kaliati has pledged to support the NGO sector in their efforts to improve the livelihoods of Malawians. Kaliati made the remarks today during the launch of the 2020 NGO Sector report at the Ministry of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare in Lilongwe.

The Minister further commended NGOs for the work that they do in supporting government to fulfiLl its agenda.

The 2020 Sector Report shows that in the year, there were 62 newly registered organisations, 620 active NGOs, 537 NGOs implementing projects on the ground, 37% compliance rate to the NGO law, an estimated MK 815 billion as the sector’s income, 176 billion as the expenditure of top 20 NGOs and 25,219 employees in the NGO sector.

“The above-mentioned positives highlight the contribution of the NGO Sector to national development. Let me therefore take this opportunity to thank all the NGOs in the country for the tremendous work that they are doing in supporting the Government to improve the livelihood of Malawians at all levels,” she said.

During the year the NGO Board of Malawi has also managed to develop a web-based management information system called myNGO, developed the Annual Sector Report, conducted an NGO Mapping exercise in 284 ADC’s, issued maps depicting NGO distribution at district level and established 27 district offices.

The NGO Sector report is produced annually by the NGO Board of Malawi to provide credible statistics and information to relevant stakeholders pertaining to the operations of NGOs in Malawi. This is the second report being launched after the 2019 Report.

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